Mittwoch, 25. Juni 2008


This is a classic... i think, well its anything but new ^^. Anyways its definitely one of my favourites (yeah, even though i'm a girl)... anyways, the title may seem a little deceiving concerning that... well it isnt really, because very very basically this anime is about a gunman.
The (lonely) gunman's name is Vash "the stampede". He got that nickname because everywhere he goes he leaves a trail of destruction. Thing is, and i dont spoil a lot by saying this because you see that pretty soon (1st or 2nd episode i think), its not really his fault. Due to some mysterious event (will be explained quite late in the series) it seems he destroyed a whole town, putting him on every wanted list promising whoever gets him an unimaginably high reward. Obviously that would make a lot of people chase after him causing pretty much chaos. Well and after that Vash always gets blamed, i think you get the point ;P .

Anyways, so far for the story background. Apart from obviously quite a lot of action (which would probably be enough for most teenage guys to already like this series) trigun has quite a lot more to offer. What i personally liked most about it is the really well done combination of melancholic/comedic mood that makes it stand out from most of the anime's ive seen. Vash's character is very well developed (you really feel for him... well i did ;P) considering this is only a 26 episode show. Fine, thats my taste, not everyone likes it, but as i said theres also the action and even though its not a very important part there's some sort of romantic sub-plot in it too.

If youre not into long-time series too much and if you like sci-fi/mystery themed anime, you should give it a try :).

Since this is only the 2nd review of anything ive ever written, please forgive me if it stinks, but hey, just dont visit this blog anymore if you think so ;).

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