Mittwoch, 25. Juni 2008


This is another one of my favourites. I've read the manga is better, but i'm not much of a manga reader. There is one season so far, as if there will be a second one doesnt seem to be sure yet... anyways, this one is about the Claymores (surprise!!) an organization of female hunters with supernatural powers, although it seems the ones behind the curtains are mostly men. Anyways, those Claymore's job (btw they're named that because thats the weapon they use) is to hunt Yoma, a kind of monster eating human flesh, able to disguise themselves as human beings. They have the abilitly to sense a Yoma, but for some reason only females can become Claymores.
The main character of this series is Clare, who was saved by a Claymore when she was a child and later became one herself. An important aspect for becoming a Claymore is to shut off one's emotions, but when Clare meets Raki she starts to rediscover her human feelings (not that kind ;P Raki is a young boy... more like big sister of motherly feelings).
This one doesnt have any kind of comedic aspect, and it definitely isnt suited for young viewers as there is a lot of violence in it. And again what i liked so much about it was the melancholy... throughout the whole season there is that feeling of sadness and anger... if youre anything like me, there are a lot of scenes where you just want to scream your anger out loud because of whats happening... well this isnt anything for the faint-hearted (not very scary, but the violence is pretty extreme at some points, nothing hardcore though)... keep this away from the kids!

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