Mittwoch, 25. Juni 2008

another notice ;P

Just a short (well maybe not so short ;P) info. If youre new to anime, dont speak japanese (enough to watch japanese tv) or if you simply dont like western anime voice acting (which is usually pretty bad in my opinion, i prefer hearing the original voices even if the subtitles arent perfect), you might want to try so called fansubs if there's no dvd release with the original audio track and subtitles (fine those are rare, but they exist... besides some anime never got released outside japan). Theyre basically just tv recordings of anime with subtitles done by fans. To be honest i'm not really sure about the legal situation, sometimes the pages providing fansubs say theyre ok for educational purposes (and yeah, its a pretty good way to learn japanese if you put some effort in it) but have to be deleted within 24 hours. Well i dont know about that, but i just wanted to tell you if you have the chance, buy your anime, if you dont, dont bother asking me about links to where you can download it. If you really wanna do that, find out for yourself, i cant help you there.

kk, have fun ev'yone ^^

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