Mittwoch, 25. Juni 2008


This is another one of my favourites. I've read the manga is better, but i'm not much of a manga reader. There is one season so far, as if there will be a second one doesnt seem to be sure yet... anyways, this one is about the Claymores (surprise!!) an organization of female hunters with supernatural powers, although it seems the ones behind the curtains are mostly men. Anyways, those Claymore's job (btw they're named that because thats the weapon they use) is to hunt Yoma, a kind of monster eating human flesh, able to disguise themselves as human beings. They have the abilitly to sense a Yoma, but for some reason only females can become Claymores.
The main character of this series is Clare, who was saved by a Claymore when she was a child and later became one herself. An important aspect for becoming a Claymore is to shut off one's emotions, but when Clare meets Raki she starts to rediscover her human feelings (not that kind ;P Raki is a young boy... more like big sister of motherly feelings).
This one doesnt have any kind of comedic aspect, and it definitely isnt suited for young viewers as there is a lot of violence in it. And again what i liked so much about it was the melancholy... throughout the whole season there is that feeling of sadness and anger... if youre anything like me, there are a lot of scenes where you just want to scream your anger out loud because of whats happening... well this isnt anything for the faint-hearted (not very scary, but the violence is pretty extreme at some points, nothing hardcore though)... keep this away from the kids!

another notice ;P

Just a short (well maybe not so short ;P) info. If youre new to anime, dont speak japanese (enough to watch japanese tv) or if you simply dont like western anime voice acting (which is usually pretty bad in my opinion, i prefer hearing the original voices even if the subtitles arent perfect), you might want to try so called fansubs if there's no dvd release with the original audio track and subtitles (fine those are rare, but they exist... besides some anime never got released outside japan). Theyre basically just tv recordings of anime with subtitles done by fans. To be honest i'm not really sure about the legal situation, sometimes the pages providing fansubs say theyre ok for educational purposes (and yeah, its a pretty good way to learn japanese if you put some effort in it) but have to be deleted within 24 hours. Well i dont know about that, but i just wanted to tell you if you have the chance, buy your anime, if you dont, dont bother asking me about links to where you can download it. If you really wanna do that, find out for yourself, i cant help you there.

kk, have fun ev'yone ^^

short notice

I almost forgot to mention... well if youre into anime you probably already noticed, i'm not very much into the standard categorizing for anime's... well its mostly because i cant really keep track and i'm not enough of an anime freak to bother learning them ;P .... so if youre one of the people who has to know everything, including biography of artists, release dates and dress size of voice actresses, this isnt the blog to read ;) ... i'm just trying to give some tips about what anime's could be worth watching.

But if you really need more info you might wanna try this link:

take care! ^^

free imvu credits

Air TV

This is a 13 episode series from KEY visual arts... seems it was originally a game... well however its got similar strenghts as trigun, exept the action part ;P ...
The story develops around Kunisaki Yukito, a travelling puppeteer who is looking for a girl flying in the sky that his mother told him about before she died. When he arrives at the town the plot is taking place in, he doesnt have anything except a little, dirty old puppet which he can move by a kind of magic. Due to the ragged look of both him and his puppet his shows arent at all successful so he's in desperate need of money to eat or find a place to sleep. One thing leads to another and he gets invited to stay with Misuzu and her mom. From there he explores the town and meets different girls (including Misuzu) who all could be the one he's looking for.
KEY's animes are all quite emotional (positive and negative), that and the mostly sarcastic humor are their strong points in my opinion.
Oh and if you dont like romantic anime's dont bother about this one (or the other KEY's) because that seems to be the main theme for all of them.


This is a classic... i think, well its anything but new ^^. Anyways its definitely one of my favourites (yeah, even though i'm a girl)... anyways, the title may seem a little deceiving concerning that... well it isnt really, because very very basically this anime is about a gunman.
The (lonely) gunman's name is Vash "the stampede". He got that nickname because everywhere he goes he leaves a trail of destruction. Thing is, and i dont spoil a lot by saying this because you see that pretty soon (1st or 2nd episode i think), its not really his fault. Due to some mysterious event (will be explained quite late in the series) it seems he destroyed a whole town, putting him on every wanted list promising whoever gets him an unimaginably high reward. Obviously that would make a lot of people chase after him causing pretty much chaos. Well and after that Vash always gets blamed, i think you get the point ;P .

Anyways, so far for the story background. Apart from obviously quite a lot of action (which would probably be enough for most teenage guys to already like this series) trigun has quite a lot more to offer. What i personally liked most about it is the really well done combination of melancholic/comedic mood that makes it stand out from most of the anime's ive seen. Vash's character is very well developed (you really feel for him... well i did ;P) considering this is only a 26 episode show. Fine, thats my taste, not everyone likes it, but as i said theres also the action and even though its not a very important part there's some sort of romantic sub-plot in it too.

If youre not into long-time series too much and if you like sci-fi/mystery themed anime, you should give it a try :).

Since this is only the 2nd review of anything ive ever written, please forgive me if it stinks, but hey, just dont visit this blog anymore if you think so ;).

Sonntag, 22. Juni 2008

Yay, another one!

Hi there!
Yeah, i know there are probably (more than) enoough anime blogs out there already, but i dont care, i'm bored ;P .

I'm not quite sure about how often or to what extent i will post stuff here, but its basically gonna be a listing of anime i like(d) watching, meaning i'll do short summaries and reviews of them. Hope i'll be able to provide some useful tips ^^